Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Best Tea Franchise India in 2021

                                  Tea Franchise in India

Tea is the most loved beverage of Indians that has made it one of the largest business and profit-generating "Sparkleminds " businesses in India. 

India secures the second position in the production of tea following China. India is one of the largest producers of tea. Of the total production, India accounts for 3/4th domestic consumption of tea.

Tea Franchise In India:

As per accounts, in 2016, India produced 1,267.36 million kg of tea. India also exports tea to a large part of the world. In 2017, the total tea exports increased by 6.3%. Major countries that imported tea from India in 2017 were Russia, United States, United Kingdom, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia among others. 

The growing demand for tea due to its aroma and high quality is the major driving force of the Indian tea industry. Goldstein Market Intelligence analyst forecast that the Indian tea industry outlook is set to advance at a CAGR of 5.8% over the next 10 years.

How to franchise your tea business:

  • Analyze your business model - Before you franchise your business, you must get an overview of your business model. A franchise business model requires some specified set of operational rules. To customize your business model, into one conducive for franchising, you can consult a franchising expert who can help you in making necessary changes.

  • Create a Strong Business Plan - After your business model is perfectly fit for franchising, you will have to work out the finances. You will be required to get your business loans in order and break down how much you will need to spend on various documents, training programs, advertising, etc. You must perform market research and analysis to identify what are the areas where your franchisees might require help. Implement a strategy of how you expect to grow your franchises in the following months and the expected revenue. You must also come up with a managing style and all other details for how you expect to operate the business.

  • Hire a consultant and an attorney. Obtaining expert advice is essential during the franchising process. You will need to get prepared with all the necessary documentation. It has a very distinguished format you need to follow, and it is best advised to have a lawyer and a professional expert walk you through this process. You will need to set pricing, create a franchise agreement and determine intellectual property protection. 

  •  Decide on working of your Franchise model - It is important to take necessary strategic and operational decisions regarding the working of various franchisees. The working document should contain detailed information on the following:

  1. The franchise fee and royalty percentage to be charged from each franchisee

  2. The term of the franchise agreement

  3. The size of territory you will award each franchisee or the required area to take up your brand's franchise.

  4. The kind of training program you will offer and areas of specialization to be covered.

  5. Whether franchisees must buy products or equipment from your company or the manufacturer specified by you.

  6. The business experience and net worth the franchisees need

  7. Methods you will use to market the franchises.

  8. Whether you want an owner-operator for each unit or area/master franchisees who will develop multiple units.

  • Sell Franchises -  Once you have established yourself as a franchisor with a defined business plan and working method, one of your most important activities will be to find franchisees that suit your idea of business. It is important to decide upon a franchisee who has similar business goals and aspirations. 

  • Franchise Support and Assistance - A franchisee needs support and assistance in the initial days of working for the franchise. A staff training program needs to be organized for training the employees of the franchise to make sure they work on the principles of the company and maintain working uniformity.

Best Tea Franchise in India

  • Chai Garam is an amazing platform for franchise opportunity seekers. They invite aspiring entrepreneurs to partner with enterprising, motivated individuals and provide them with an opportunity to become entrepreneurs and grow with us. India has The Tea Cafe which is around an 1800 Crore industry. 

  • Patil Amruttulya is a very famous Tea cafe started initially in Nanded, Railway Station Rd, Shivaji Potala. They offer the taste of the finest choice of Indian tea from Darjeeling, Assam, Nilgiri, Kangra, Sikkim, and Munnar. This cafe offers both Tea and coffee at a minimal cost of Rs.10 and Rs.15 respectively. It is one of the best Indian tea cafes emerging at a rapid speed. 

  • Vidarbha Konkan Food has been serving tea to tea lovers for the last 21+ years in Pune, Maharashtra. They have several brands which also deal in various types of Indian traditional foods. Masti Chai is one of their brands that sells specially crafted tea so that the customer gets an extraordinary taste. They offer the Masti Chai franchise at a very low investment and it yields high profits.

  • Chai NGO is a beverage franchise that offers the most loved beverage by Indians"Chai". It aims to foster a business that helps an entrepreneur to grow and attain a unique brand image. It works on its famous 3C formula of chaat, chicken, and chai that makes it distinct from others. The food served is hygienically made that ensures the trust of its customers.

Best Tea Franchise In India:

Top Cafe Franchise In India

  • Indian Coffee House is one of the oldest coffee franchises operated by an employed cooperative society. The best thing about this cafe is it is owned and managed by the employees themselves.

  • Barista is a pioneer in coffee culture and is a global chain of espresso bistros and cafes in India. It is the 2nd largest coffee chain in India. 

  • For espresso is known for offering hot beverages, cold beverages, sundaes, food, etc. The menu is prepared with the highest care and hygiene with high-quality fresh ingredients. It’s a fun and happening place that has a uniquely differentiated product line.

  • Gloria Jean’s Coffees is originally from Australia. It started with the ambition to serve the best coffee in the country. Today, they have a large number of and more than 35 markets around the world.

  • Costa coffee was first introduced by the Costa brothers Sergio and Bruno who worked to give a special Mocha Italian blend of coffee to its customers. This coffee franchise has many outlets all over India and will continue to expand over the years which makes it a profitable venture.

In India, chai is not just a cup of tea to start the day it's more than that, One of the oldest drinks in history and also India’s most popular drink.

Tea can be called the staple beverage of India. The tea business is a profitable industry mainly owing to its high demand both in India and internationally, the low investment required, and high profit margins. This makes the franchisees all the more drawn to your business and enables you to earn higher profits.

Tea Cafe Franchise in India:

Franchise Services is:

Franchise In Details:

  1. Franchise Food products:​

  2. ​Franchise  for  famous biryani​ paradise with and all

  3. ​Franchise a tea​

  4. ​Franchise agricultural equipment and dealership ​

  5. ​Franchise for organic products​

  6. ​Franchise a gym and equipment service​

  7. ​Franchise to Automobile shops ​

  8. ​Franchiser with induced  best franchise service ​

  9. ​Digital Marketing for brand promotion​

  10. ​Social Media Marketing for brand reach and free webinar conducted top experts​

  11. ​Workshop conducted by the Highly Reputed person​

  12. ​We have a one-stop solution for your business best franchise consultants​

Best franchise in India: The franchiser has promotion as one of the Modern  Methods are Social media marketing and perfect match google ads and SEO on your website we bring a customized solution from our brand owner and expand a  brand anywhere in India.

1.Social Media Marketing -Facebook-Linked in -YouTube-Twitter-Instagram

2.Digital Marketing 

3.Google ads

4.Website Ranking-SEO 

5.Sales Team Supports 

6.Service provider an all over India 

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Think Best Take Featured Franchise More Service with "One-Step Solution "for Him

More Information for Tea Franchise: Best Franchise In India


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Best Franchise consultants in India


What are some ways to start a business?

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking for business opportunities. This blog is for you. As the pandemic continues to pose a threat to businesses, venturing into an entirely new business can involve considerable risk and can also result in failure of the same. On the contrary, if you buy the franchise of a renowned and successful franchise.


 A franchise not only comes with brand goodwill but also provides a set of tried and tested successful strategic plans. The rate of failure involved in opening a franchise is almost negligible when compared to a startup.

Why should you choose a franchise business?

The franchise business is growing at a sumptuous pace in India. The franchise industry has witnessed a growth of around 30-35% over the last four-five years and the overall turnover is estimated at around INR 938 billion. Currently, the sector contributes more than 1.8% to the Indian GDP and is estimated to contribute around 4% by 2022.

 As the fastest-growing economy, the Indian market has tremendous potential for franchising business. With a high percentage of the young population, a franchise model will develop and progress well through shared ownership.

Till the end of 2017, the Indian franchise market was about INR 936 billion which has presented a considerable rise. In India, franchising as a growth and expansion route has exhibited commendable and prolific results across various sectors.

 The franchising business in India was worth INR 848 billion in 2012. In 2017, it reached INR 3,570 billion, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31% per year. The market is projected to reach INR 10,500 billion by the end of 2022, presenting a growth rate of 24% CAGR.

 The reports suggest that the entrepreneurial spirit of Indians has led many individuals to enter the franchise business. Presently, around 35% of all franchise owners have been first-timers in business. These entrepreneurs choose franchising due to the following reasons:

     Wide range of benefits it offers such as reduced risk

     Opportunity to associate themselves with an established brand, training, and support


Is it better to buy a franchise or starting a new company?

When it comes to starting a business, there are various assessment factors to determine the right fit

     Franchise owners benefit from being part of a a larger, successful company that has already paved a strong and successful path that will make it way easy to generate profits.

     Individuals who believe they can build a better consumer web and want the freedom of entrepreneurship may be better off starting their startup.

Before you choose to venture into either of the two there are a few questions that you need to find an answer to, if you want to make the right choice.

 1.How do you handle risk?

If you are thinking about starting a new business, you should be comfortable with taking up a high degree of risk. However, you should consider the amount of risk you are willing to take on. For entrepreneurs who are more risk-averse, or who are simply looking to lessen their exposure to contingency, franchises are an appealing option. It reduces the risk element of entrepreneurship to a considerable extent, thanks to their established support system and proven business model.

  Do you want to follow a pre-asserted format or do you want to give it a try?

The biggest advantage of the franchising model is that all the fundamental, up-front work has been done  this includes the curation of a marketing plan, formulating staff-related policies, designing logos, deciding on store layout, vetting vendors, and ordering stock. With a proven business model in place and all details established in advance, you will be in a position to start your operations from day one.

  If you are someone who would want to have your input on these aspects of a business and if you get excited about creating a marketing plan, picking your vendors, designing the organization of your store, and deciding on the details of your business — then starting your own company from scratch may be more appealing to you.

 3. How do you handle taking command from other people or organizations?

Owning a franchise gives you autonomy and independence — you are your boss. However, you will have to run your franchise unit in compliance with the predetermined stipulations, which may include sharing your franchise’s financial erudition or spending a specific amount of money on advertising and marketing. All of this has to be done in acquiescence of the franchise agreement

 The best franchise companies also share a great deal of financial information with their franchisees in return. This allows them to benchmark their accomplishments with the rest of the franchise system. This can be a huge advantage for franchisees to help develop their financial performance and business profitability. Keep this in mind as you reflect on which business venture is right for you.

Pros and Cons of a Franchise

A franchise business is the one that allows you to get into business FOR yourself but not BY yourself.


Instead of having to reinvent the working wheel, a franchisee gets a lot of support from the franchisor, offering a better chance for success. A franchise owner often receives help from the franchisor in strategizing the working of the franchise unit.

     Site selection for driving optimal traffic with consideration for locations of competitive businesses

     Design and construction of physical facilities in the store to lure more customers.

     Financing to cover initial franchise fees plus start-up costs that have to be incurred in setting up and processing the franchise unit.

     Training program to learn the business to follow the proven operational methods

     Grand opening programs to jump-start the business and also as an advertising and publicity techniques.

     National and regional advertising to grow sales and publicize the franchise unit.

     Routine business operations to maintain best practices for optimal efficiency and to ensure the regular working of the franchise unit.

     Access to bulk purchasing agreements from approved vendors to hold down the operating expenses.

     Ongoing supervision and management support to answer any queries and doubts regarding the working procedure.

This structure helps to considerably lower risk, compared with starting your own business from the ground up. It is also instrumental in helping to overcome common obstacles that are faced by many new entrepreneurs who have a lack of business experience and access to capital.


For some entrepreneurs, it may feel a little heavy-handed and result in a frustrating lack of liberty. Some franchisors exert more control than others. If you are looking for a business in which you can be creative, innovative, and apply your personal touch or set your pricing, make sure the franchisor is willing to give you the desired level of freedom.

      Franchise fee. This is the up-front fee that you are required to pay for the right to become a franchise owner of a specific brand. On average, the franchise fee across all industries was $35,185, but the fees can also be as low as $15,000 for some franchises.

      Start-up and operating expenses. This is the capital cost required to build and supply the physical business, including property, equipment, signage, inventory, promotion, insurance, payments, and more. Franchisees generally require financing to cover these expenses, which can run well into a six figures amount for most industries, and into the millions for others, such as the lodging industry. Some franchisors assist their franchisees with financing.

      Royalty payments. The franchise brand sustains a percentage of the gross sales from every franchise. This is the big ongoing income stream that motivates business owners to consider franchising their brand. Sometimes, there is a separate royalty fee just to help counteract advertising costs. A Royalty fee need not necessarily be a monetary fee, it can also be a part of the sales.Thus, a franchise can be the ideal option for an aspiring entrepreneur who would want to reduce the risk of their businesses at a higher investment cost.

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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Digital Franchise in India


Franchise e-mail Marketing

A major part of work shifting to online platforms, Digital marketing has come up to be an emerging model of business marketing. Digital Marketing as a term is quite wide in its sense. It involves several marketing techniques, some of which are mentioned below:


     Content marketing

     Email marketing

     Mobile marketing

     Paid search

     Programmatic advertising

     Reputation marketing

     Search engine optimization.



This article will provide an insight into the Franchise Email Marketing model. Digital Marketing for Franchise involves several other facets of marketing as well but Email marketing is a better and formal option to go in for. It is one of the highly opted digital marketing trends used for franchise advertising.

 Email is the best-performing marketing channel and will help your franchise manage to get the highest customer engagement. It can easily manage your different locations with sub-accounts, maintain brand consistency across all your templates, and allocate unique user access and permissions to your team.

 Email Marketing is found to be 40 times more effective than social media marketing in terms of generating conversions and leads. Of the users who receive them, 95% say marketing emails are somewhat very useful and 70% of people agree to open emails from their favorite companies.

Benefits of Franchise E-mail marketing:

Build customer relationships

Your customers may receive emails from the corporate marketing team, but these messages are designed to engage with a mass audience.

When you write emails that are tailored to monitor your local audience, you will be much more effective in building customer relationships. This will encourage them to keep coming back to your business and will help them to feel more positive about their experience at your brand's franchise unit.


Encouraging customer loyalty

Building relationships with customers also promotes customer loyalty. People are more likely to return to a business they have a good connection with. Email marketing can inspire support from the customers in other ways, too.

You can use your emails to tell customers about the specialties you have to offer, new additions to the list of products, or even send coupons that they can exclusively use at your franchise. This encourages them to reach back to redeem the deal coupon or check out the new addition.



Stand out among the competition

Franchise email marketing helps your the business stands out among similar businesses in your area. Without a personal touch or the occasional reminder, people may just identify your establishment with a larger corporate brand.

But when they receive an email created just for your store’s customers, it shows them that your franchise is interested in the local community. Regular communication also ensures that they won’t forget about your business, and encourages them to keep coming back.


Gain insight into your audience

Email marketing is relatively easy to trail and evaluate. By examining data structures like how often emails are opened and how often the links are clicked on, you can figure out what strategy working and what’s not. By tracking this data over time, you can figure out what aspects of your marketing strategy work best for your audience, and adjust your future campaigns using the same.


Economical mode of marketing

The costs associated with sending emails are low when compared to other traditional and digital marketing techniques. The returns can be extremely high even though the campaign costs are low.

Email marketing campaigns can generate about $40 for every $1 you spend, making it one of the most cost-effective marketing modes available.

Tips for Franchise Email Marketing

Personalize your messages

Earlier marketers could put into use generic email messages to engage the customers.

However, with the emergence of new technology, real-time email marketing is gaining momentum, and recipients are drawn to receiving personalized messages that cater to their tastes and preferences.

 Optimize your emails for mobile devices

The number of emails opened on mobile devices largely outnumber emails opened on desktops, and the trend is expected to continue and increase. Thus, it’s important to make sure that your emails are optimized to display on mobile devices. People check their email on the go, and they don’t want to have to deal with disturbing pinch-zoom problems and hard-to-fill-out forms.

 Make your emails shareable

If your emails contain any helpful information, your recipients will want to share them with friends and family members.

By adding social share buttons to your emails, you can make it simpler for people wanting to share your content with their networks. This can help you increase awareness of your brand and effectively help you to expand your reach online.

You can also highlight successful social media posts in your emails and encourage your mail subscribers to follow you.

Include videos and animated content

You can also include videos and animated content in your emails in order to grab the attention of your viewers and provide them more information in an engaging manner.

These powerful elements can also guide recipients to take certain actions, which can have a positive influence on click-through rates.

Not only are graphic elements visually engaging, but they can also help enhance user experience and make people more inclined to want to find out more information about your business's work.




Create compelling subject lines

33% percent of people decide whether to open emails based merely on the subject line.

So, if you want more people to open your emails and read your content, you need to generate interesting subject lines that encourage them to find out more.

You should brainstorm several subject lines for each of your emails, then choose the one that you believe will best resonate with your target audience. It is necessary to keep in mind that while subject lines should be creative and engaging, they also need to give recipients an accurate picture of what to expect when they read through your emails.

 Build up your email list

Before you commence your email campaign, you need to convene a list of email subscribers.

People would not want to receive emails if they didn’t consent to receive them. This will create a negative judgment of your business. There’s also a good chance that your emails will end up in their spam folder.

It is best to put in the effort for obtaining authentic email subscribers. They will be the ones that are actually interested in your products or services and can be converted into leads. There are numerous ways to tempt people to sign up for your mail list.


Add sign up forms to your website

Your website is the best place to obtain emails. If people are on your site, they are probably already interested in your business. They will be more willing to sign up for emails.

You can put email sign-up forms in the header or footer of your pages. Pop-up email sign-ups are useful too. It is great to entice people to join your brand by offering a small discount.

 Create brand consistency

When you are sending emails, you want people to instantly acknowledge that it is from your business. You need to create a design that is unique and exclusive to your business so that, even if they do not see the name of the sender, they would still know it was a mail from your business.

It is best to keep colors and a design that reflects your business.

Your choices need to be uniform throughout your email campaigns. Once you pick your colors and design, you need to stick to them as they will be a mark of your brand identity. This will help create an identity for your franchise. When you constantly change your designs or colors, people won’t develop that brand recognition.

 Use email management software

As a franchise, you will build a big email list. It can sometimes be difficult to try and keep these emails organized.

This is where email management software can help you stay organized. You can create professional emails with software available in the market. Once they are created, you can

send them and effectively manage who receives the specified mails.


Setup automated emails

As a franchise unit, you need to maintain an automated email system. Companies send these emails to entice their potential customers to convert them to leads.

You can do this for your products and services too. If you know customers are looking at a certain product, you can send a notification email. This is a great way to encourage people to purchase from your business.



Friday, July 9, 2021

Franchise Business Plan In India


Looking for opportunities to expand your business? Turning your small business into a franchise might be of great help. 

Franchising your small business can be an exceptional way to expand without investing considerable amounts of capital or entering unfamiliar and unexplored markets.

Franchising should be done rather carefully, using a stable business plan, with carefully picked franchise owners and strong management controls.

Keeping franchisees moving in the same management and keeping them motivated can be challenging but is essential to ensure the success of your growing business.

Franchise endowments have been seen to grow by 1.9 percent in recent years. The gross domestic product of the sector is forecast to increase by 6.1 percent reaching $451 billion. Franchise business output will also increase by 6.2 percent to $757 billion.

Franchise Brand Marketing

Before advancing towards the task of developing a franchise marketing plan, it is important to lay the appropriate preliminaries to ensure the functioning and success of the final pan. This involves the task of building the business wholesome in itself to the point that it runs well, functions efficiently, and generates sufficient revenue to establish and carry off a wide-scale marketing initiative.


The first step is to systemize and standardize the products and operating procedures in use at all the existing franchise locations. Doing so will create the kind of flexibility and adaptability required to establish a brand image, which is a crucial part of any successful franchise marketing plan.

You can begin by precisely giving an account of and defining the products and services that will be a part of the franchise's integrity. It should include a handbook that includes step-by-step guidance to ensure that every single location will provide a well-defined, repeatable experience to the customers. A perfect example may be found in Starbucks's beverage manual, which includes step-by-step procedures and instructions on how to prepare every single product the chain offers.

It assures to maintain the authenticity down to the smallest detail, such as topping patterns and the proper way to add whipped cream to a beverage. In this way, it becomes possible to provide a similar experience to every customer, at every time, and in every location.

Once standards have been set, the next step is to make sure that the employees entrusted with the task of maintaining those standards know how to work collectively to sustain those standards in all the facets of operations. It is necessary to provide rigorous training for all front-line staff, as well as building a practice of collaboration that encourages teamwork and a cooperative effort to sustain excellence.

These efforts will also help form the basis of a franchisee training system, which will help to mend successful new owners that can efficiently run new locations that maintain the same high standards as the original.

Franchise Marketing system success tips

Once the business is in a state to support a large marketing effort, it is time to begin sketching a franchise marketing plan. It is important to remember that a franchise marketing plan is meant to serve dual purposes: 

  • To promote the brand in the mind of the consumer.

  • To attract potential franchisees. 

Those two simultaneous goals can be accomplished by adhering to the following important systems.

 Brand standardization is paramount

When it comes to franchise marketing, all major efforts will revolve around describing your brand to the consumer to establish a brand identity and encourage consumer engagement. To maximize the effects of these efforts, consumers must have a uniform experience at every touchpoint regardless of the franchise location. This is the reason operational consistency is identified as being of great importance.

In marketing disciplines, the same holds good. Presenting a consolidated brand message means creating a comprehensive brand book that franchisees can follow. This helps to discourage individual franchisees from going off message in an attempt to differentiate their location and making any differentiation. It also means securing a process whereby individual franchisees can participate in preparing marketing initiatives at the corporate level. That will help ensure buy-in and allow them access to a path to brand innovation that will keep things fresh and lively.

Social media is an elemental marketing channel

For franchises, social media offers a direct line of communications to targeted audiences. It helps the franchise to establish a brand temperament and create a two-way dialogue with consumers that provide relevant feedback and an opportunity for personalized messaging. Franchises must emphasize their social media presence so they can make the most out of what is now a primary marketing channel.

 A franchisee's marketing effort proves an established relationship with consumers. It can help them overcome countless other market challenges, and allow a franchise to penetrate deep into the marketall while increasing its exposure and market share.

Location-specific personalized marketing

Although it is significant to maintain brand standardization across the entire franchise system, that doesn't mean that the franchise marketing plan shouldn't have the opportunity for personalization. One of the best ways to incorporate personalization is to give franchisees the mechanisms and knowledge they need to run their own, location-specific email marketing operations and direct customer outreach development. In most cases, it is best accomplished by selecting and rendering a turnkey CRM system that will help individual locations track and engage their customers.

When selecting the platform to build around, it is important to acknowledge the fact that the implemented systems will need to operate in consent with one another as well as function independently. In addition, it's crucial to encourage franchisees to embrace the maximum amount of marketing mechanization possible to keep the total cost of ownership of each location economical and attractive. It is necessary to maintain a high degree of marketing workflow automation while simultaneously providing back-end business assistance and data analysis functionality. Taken together, the features included in the system act as a force multiplier for each location, helping them to increase the ROI of their marketing expense.

Marketing must provide definite ROI for franchisees

When creating a franchise marketing plan, it's necessary to realize that the market plan serves multiple purposes. 

  • The first purpose is to promote the brand and establish a reputable market positioning. 

  • The second purpose is to deliver consistent and conclusive ROI to franchisees, who will be the primary underwriters of the marketing effort through a monthly fee structure. 

  • Most franchisees will build an ongoing marketing fee into their franchise financing plans, the ongoing value of the marketing plan must be definite and quantifiable.

To demonstrate the ROI of the primary marketing efforts, it is important to establish a clear coding composition that allows for the tracking of overall results. A franchise-wide sales and any coupons associated with them should contain an embedded tracking report to permit a thorough review of results. In that way, the business can provide monthly data to franchisees that show them exactly where their marketing fees are used and how it is affecting their bottom line.


Any business owner who makes sure to build the proper foundations for their franchise and constructs a franchise marketing plan that satisfies the principles mentioned here will persist a good chance of establishing their brand in the minds of consumers while simultaneously creating an attractive opportunity for potential franchisees.

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  What is a franchise agreement?       In simple terms, a franchise agreement is a legal contract signed between a franchisor and a fran...